
✨ investor, engineer

πŸ“… Joined in 2010

πŸ”Ό 89 Karma

✍️ 36 posts

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(Replying to PARENT post)

You might be able to find some here, or on LinkedIn.

What are some projects u have done in the past? Where r u located? What US time zones will u overlap with? What do you charge?


Ask HN:

"What's Going on with Bluehost?"


(Replying to PARENT post)

What are some pain points u faced as a blogger?

(Replying to PARENT post)

> Have you ever actually used one?



(Replying to PARENT post)

Clickbait headline, quoting an anonymous ex-Amazon employee - so could be anyone or no one.

More than a 100M sold by 2019, millions more to date. Clearly something people do want in their homes.


(Replying to PARENT post)

I don’t think you should live without news. Being informed and discussing things happening around us is a natural expectation of community. I suggest find a balanced way to consume some so you can be reasonably well informed. It’s not social media that is entirely bad, rather it’s the notifications and infinite scrolling feed which cause cognitive overload. I changed my consumption habits and don’t open news apps mindlessly.

I’m not on most social media platforms as well. I subscribe to the print & digital New York Times. Reading the paper is old school, but I find it relaxing and I absorb a wider array of information vs what recommendation algos would feed me. I subscribe to ESPN/Cricinfo etc for specific sports that I follow.


(Replying to PARENT post)

Graph paper notepad and pen.

* Write down today what you want to accomplish tomorrow. Each item on a line.

* Check them off the next day.

* You could add meetings, but if your day is full of meetings rely on your calendar for that.

* If you did something meaningful, not on the list, add it. Cross it out.

* There will be enough space on the paper to capture some meeting notes or thoughts.

* At end of day, throw (recycle) or retain that page.

I use the Amazon Basics graph paper notepad and a simple gel pen.

Writing works better than most things if you need a list.

For long projects, I use Apple notes to capture the plan. When ready to be worked on, I switch to paper.


(Replying to PARENT post)

Turn off alarms - sleep/wake with natural light.

Meet everyone you have been meaning to. Go to the theatre/movies. Go see a game or concert.

Don't binge watch. Don't check HN.


Ask HN:

"How do you discover new music?"


(Replying to PARENT post)

Delhi Belly for sure!

(Replying to PARENT post)

Would love to add phone call recording, with proper user permissions. Unable to do so with current iOS APIs though. Open to ideas here.

Do have desktop recording on the website to capture audio if the call is on speaker. Some users use that.

Adding another number to the call seems inelegant.


(Replying to PARENT post)

Thank you.

It is up to us to do something about making our software more privacy conscious. And management/leaders/founders have to put up the money to support it.

This project is also an experiment to see if its possible to build a "successful" app without user behavior tracking, without endless AB testing.. and so far it seems totally possible.


(Replying to PARENT post)

> Are there other, more privacy oriented transcription services anyone can recommend?

Yes. Try https://aliceapp.ai, the iOS app's in the AppStore: https://aliceapp.ai/app. I created this specifically to be as privacy conscious as possible. There's a small, but strong team of engineers behind this and I'm the primary investor. It's not perfect, but works pretty well, with many relying on it everyday.

From the FAQs: https://aliceapp.ai/faqs

Is Alice secure?

* We don't ask for your name.

* We don't require your real email address, nor your phone number.

* We don't use passwords to login, to avoid easy or re-usable passwords. The login process is Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) by design.

* We don't track your location.

* We don't ask for access to your contacts.

* We don't ask you to allow push notifications.

* We don't store your credit card information in our database.

* We don't use tools like Google Analytics to track your behavior.

* We don't drop any cookies from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, et cetera (i.e. any social network) to track browsing habits.

* We aren't on social networks. Our focus is on the product and on communicating directly with you via email, text or phone. We are not into the game of getting "likes".

* We don't prompt you to give us a five-star rating on the App Store.

* We don't annoy you with newsletter signup popups.

* We don't serve you ads.

* Alice is only listening when it's obviously recording. Otherwise the mic is off by default.
